As always: many of us get too many emails already, even before this pandemic.
So, if you would like these to stop, please feel free to say so. (You won’t be the first to do so.)
Thursday, April 16:
Our routine has now developed into two walks in our neighborhood each day; one in the AM, and one in the PM. Typically about 1-1/2 miles each, fully masked up and carrying hand sanitizer. Until 2020, our morning walks usually included a stop at Pete’s at 3rd and Fairfax, where we knew all the baristas well; sadly, this Pete’s closed at the turn of the new year.
Then we moved our loyalty to GroundWorks, about 3 blocks west on 3rd. But, we have not been into any stores now for about four weeks. I ask Nadine: “how long can we hold out before our yen for a store-bought Americano(her) or latte with oat milk(me) will overcome our caution?"
On the way out of our apartment, we run into Donovan, a good friend of Atheana and Cory who live next door. Donovan used to have a red Mohawk, but has shaved that off, and he is wearing a mask; at first we don’t recognize him.
We each received our $1,200 Treasury checks in our bank account. Unfortunately, since it was a direct deposit into the bank, we don’t get a copy of the Dear Leader’s signature. Sad, very sad.
Friday, April 17:
Is it sinful to spend the whole day in one’s PJ’s? So far, this is only a hypothetical question. But, still in my pajama bottoms, I have taken the trash down to the basement once or twice.
A meditation teacher notes that this is a hard time for most of us, staying home alone, but may be Heaven for introverts.
Our son Phil is, among other things, a terrific photographer. ( To sample his nature photos, go to: ). He has been working for many months to collect and organize and scan hundreds of old photos from the family, and that project is finally coming to fruition. Seeing some of these old faces and places is fun and brings back a lot of memories, though I must say there are also many of them where I can not remember who all those people are, and what I/we were doing there.
On the down side, got a popup message from Apple that my iCloud storage was about full. Putting all these photos into this iMac has filled up our 50GB iCloud storage, so now we have to pay Apple an added $2/month to bump it up the 200GB. Could not figure out how to increase it on my own, so had to call Apple support to get it done.
Saturday, April 18:
Several editions ago, I told of our little saga of ordering TP on Amazon. Some confusing messages coming back from the vendor in China. In response to the tracking info provided, was told that our shipment was on its way, destined for “Germany”.
Now the LATimes has an article with this headline: “Cash down the drain for online TP buyers?” A fool and his money are soon parted.
Large Amazon grocery delivery on the ground floor of our building, apartment MK, including a 12-pack of Coke. It has been there for at least 24 hours. I look at the label, and they have delivered it to the wrong building; it is for the building next door.
We walk next door and ring the bell at MK; a nice young lady answers. We talk and she tells us she has already gotten her money back from Amazon; why don’t we just take the items and use them ourselves. But we don’t drink Coke.
She comes back with us to our building, and she takes the Coke, and we take the paper towels and the TP, and thank her. She is here from South Korea for a year, studying at UCLA, her two kids, 1st and 2nd grade, with her; her husband is stuck in Korea, at least for now.
Sunday, April 19:
Phone call with our son Elliott in DC. He looked at his horoscope…and its the same as last week!! Lots of badminton in their backyard. Daughter Lina, twelve, is the best player in their house.
Morning walk. Up to Beverly Blvd and the small corner market there. TP and paper towels. Heading home, see our neighbors John and Eileen Zwiers thru their windows. It’s John’s birthday today, #58. They are going to play Charades on Zoom with his three sisters and their spouses.
It seems every one is into cooking and baking.
Our nephew Benjamin in Stanford sent us a text with photo of his latest creation. He is cultivating his own sourdough starter, and his loaf looks great.
John (see above) is going to try his mother’s bread recipe.
Nadine also got yeast at the market; goes on YouTube and finds a video; dough (not sourdough) is now rising in the bowl, and the oven is heating up. Result was excellent (see photo below)
Nadine’s cousin Bruce's (Bay area) 70th birthday party on Zoom. Great to celebrate with him, and to see family members we have not seen in a long time. Locations included Bay area, NYC, CT, Yosemite?, Kings Canyon?, Jerusalem?, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Glasgow. The question mark is because Zoom users can insert “backgrounds" of their choice. But if you have used Zoom, and who has not at this point, you already know that.
That’s It For Now
Stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance, be kind to one another, and call your (mother if possible).
Photo/Video Gallery
There is an apartment near us with a family with one boy and one girl. The children always have posted on their front door some "words to live by”.
Here is their latest; rather on target I would say. (Boy in blue; girl in red)
Nadine’s first bread baking effort pays off:
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