Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus: LA #7

As usual: many of us get too many emails already, even before this pandemic.  
So, if you would like these to stop, please feel free to say so.  (You won’t be the first one.)

April Fools Day: Alan Canter says it’s false news that he is 79 today.  But it’s not.

With most of our old weekly schedule wiped clean, each day seems like the last.  What day of the week is it, I wonder?  
One might think that time would be going by slowly, but it seems to be the opposite.  Each day flies by, and soon it’s dinner time, and the day is almost over.

How can we celebrate Pesach? On Zoom?  Nadine needs some staples for the food items, so we walk to Beverly and LaBrea, a very Orthodox area, where there is a neighborhood kosher market.   The store is very busy, and it’s impossible to maintain 6-foot distance from everyone else.  We are wearing our masks, but are concerned about possible exposure.  But we get everything she wanted there: matzo, egg noodles for kugel, gefilte fish, and sharp horseradish!  3+ miles roundtrip. 

My Thursday classes are available again, thanks to the internet.  R. Wolpe on YouTube.  Both R. Lebovitz  and UCLA/MARC meditation on Zoom.
Wolpe comments on how fortunate we are in this time to have the internet at this time, to stay in touch in various ways.  What if we were home alone with just the telephone and the USPS?  (How did our ancestors survive?)

Walking home, we talk about things that are troublesome in this time.  A song fragment pops into my head: “do I worry”.  That’s all; no other words, no melody.  
Hours later the whole thing jumps out at me: “Do I Worry” by the Ink Spots.  Here it is on YouTube: Do_I_Worry
How nostalgic this song is to me.  The Ink Spots had a unique style.  
I am a nostalgia lover.  One of the shows we are watching is “The Plot Against America” (HBO) based on the novel by Philip Roth.  The time period is 1940.  The story, an alternative history, is dark.  But, I love the vintage cars, the vintage clothes, and the vintage radio broadcasts.  The voice of Walter Winchell.

We have put our cleaning lady, Alma, on hold, but intend to keep paying her as usual for as long as we can. So Nadine declares that we have to do the cleaning ourselves; I have been resisting this since the last time Alma came. (It’s not that big a deal; we live in a 1,200 sq ft apartment.)  We divide the work in two, hers and his.  I put my tasks on my iCal: Monday/den; Wednesday/living area; Friday/my bath.

On March 19, we ordered TP on Amazon.  The seller is Yinmeng Home.  (First we get the coronavirus from China, and then the TP.)    
On March 24, we get an email; our shipment has gone out, the carrier is EUB, and there is a tracking number.  I enter the tracking number into the website Global Package Tracking.  The good news: estimated delivery date: April 3 thru April 7.  The bad news: Destination is shown as Germany!!

Morning walk to Farmer’s Market, where there is an abundance of fresh produce and virtually no lines.  Get just about everything we went there for.  Walked past WholeFoods; the line is a block long, but that’s because everyone in line is about 6’ separated from the next person.  It appears that about 80% of those in line are wearing masks.  Passers-by on the sidewalk cheerfully make way, as do we, so we are not too close to each other.

Our synagogue, Lev Eisha, has recorded a Shabbat service on YouTube.  Just four persons: Rabbi Toba August, canter Cindy Paley, vocalist Robin Winston, and a man on percussion who I do not recognize.  Each separated by 6’.  We viewed the service today at home. As usual, we especially enjoyed the Rabbi’s messages and the singing.  It’s not the same as being there and seeing and greeting our friends, but it was good to be able to see and hear and sing along.

Armin from West Hollywood, and a co-volunteer at SOVA food pantry (until it closed about a week ago):
"Thursday, 4/2...went shopping at Ralph on Wilshire...arrived at  7:00 am...NO line, went right in...same thing happened 2 weeks ago

Got 4 rolls of toilet paper (only package left) ; Matzo and eggs ($4.00 per doz).....I'm ready for Passover!

Rick from The (San Fernando) Valley:
"Obviously you are getting cabin fever.  Lots of free time on your hands.  Hence each chapter of you blog gets longer.  Keep it up!  I too am getting cabin fever."

Libby (my first cousin once-removed) from Virginia:
"So sorry that you guys have it so bad. We are on a moderate shut down but it’s inching towards full shut down soon like you.  We get outside and play wiffle ball in the yard with kids cause it’s safer then being inside.  Grocery stores are open and so is Lowe’s ! Len flew the last flight back from Edinburgh about a week ago! Grateful that he’s safe and trying to stay sound in this shut down!"

Irv from the OC:
"A wonderful thing happened here Sunday.  One of the neighbors with a back patio that juts out into the lake stood in front of a music stand and with guitar in hand and a loudspeaker system in place, serenaded the locals - John Denver, Peter, Paul and Mary, the Everly Brothers - all the oldies.  People got in their party boats and floated toward him.  They pulled their chairs out onto their docks and they came with blankets and laid them out on the lawn around the lake.  It was magical!  Everyone cheered and applauded.  Our neighborhood, normally void of people,suddenly became a community for a magical hour.  He'll do it again Sunday.   Stay safe,   Irv"

From my brother, Stan.  Another way to address the shortage of face masks:

From our friend Michael in the Valley:
"Because of the severe COVID-19 problem, a shipment of horseradish for the seders is stranded in the Madrid airport.
So, unfortunately, the chrain in Spain stays mainly on the plane.”
(My online English dictionary did not recognize “chrain”, but Google did.)


Stay safe, wash your hands, call your mother, keep your distance, and love one another.


The US census had an original date of April 15.  I think it has since been extended.  Advertising continues.
Not sure if this sign is in Arabic or Farsi. I suspect it’s Arabic because of the “ar” at the end of the web address:

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