As always: many of us get too many emails already, even before this pandemic.
So, if you would like these to stop, please feel free to say so. (You won’t be the first to do so.)
Sunday, April 12:
First Amazon Prime truck drives up to our building at 7:15 AM. A sign of the times we are in.
Jeff Bezos must be making a fortune…a 2nd fortune, that is...or maybe his nth fortune.
Three Americans, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, together have as much wealth as the bottom 50% of all American families. At least, as far as I know, they didn’t start out with big funding from Daddy.
Early morning walk. All the parks in Los Angeles, including PanPacific Park, are closed for Easter Sunday. Have to take a different route.
The waiting line at Whole Foods seems to always be about the same; one long city block, spaced out diligently at 6 feet apart; the wait time to get in is about 25 minutes. Very uncrowded in the store, no lines at checkout counters.
No lines at CVS, where the spacing guidelines have been marked on the sidewalk and face masks are now required by law. (see photos below.)
Later we catch Saturday Night Live (from Saturday). A great effort, not the same energy, but thanks for doing it. I liked Weekend Update as the best segment.
Then, another episode of Homeland. We are wondering how it will end? Nadine thinks Carrie will die; I can’t imagine that happening. We’ll see.
Monday, April 13:
Early morning meditation with Lesley Hyatt on Zoom. Nadine and I are sitting, rather stiffly in appearance, on our couch in the den, looking like the couple in American Gothic.
Lesley asks us to focus for a while on the sounds in our environment. For us, this may include barking dogs, owners telling dogs to stop barking, delivery trucks (see above), trash trucks, etc.
But today our neighborhood is rather still, and the half-hour passes quickly and is very quieting and restorative.
Tuesday, April 14:
9 AM: Nadine tries Zoom pilates with Robin Martini, in the Bay area. Robin’s class was recommended by our daughter in Paris, Ashley, who is also in the class also; it’s 6 PM there.
Morning walk. We live in the neighborhood in which Nadine grew up. About half-way between downtown LA to the east, and the beach at Santa Monica to the west.
The neighborhood feels strangely quiet. Nadine says it’s feels like "The Truman Show", with Jim Carrey; a false or unreal world. If we walk too far, will we bump into the edge of the world?
We head north from Park La Brea on Gardner St towards Beverly Blvd, past our local library, which is now closed.
At home, I have three books checked out, but I can’t return them; the book deposit slot is taped shut.
From Beverly, we head back south on Vista. This is the street where Nadine and Darryl lived when their first son, Adam, was born, 55 years ago; he is now a rabbi in Vancouver BC.
We decide to pick up dinner for tonight. Our friend Analee Pasette in The Valley tells Nadine that Sharky’s, a Mexican grill chain, is also selling TP and vinyl gloves. Who nu?
We order a chicken bowl with chips and salsa...and the TP and vinyl gloves...on the Sharky’s website, and drive over there for the pickup. Everything goes very smoothly.
Except the TP is "single-ply”. TMI? I remember this from my childhood; Nadine says she does not. (Analee’s husband Tony also complained about the 1-ply)
Wednesday, April 15:
FaceTime in the morning with Ashley and her husband, Neil; they sipping on glasses of wine in Paris; it’s 6PM there.
Neil, working mostly from home there, is enjoying this Paris without the normal big-city hustle and bustle. The Eiffel Tower and the park around it are right outside their windows; trees are in full leaf, and he can hear the birds singing.
This is the longest uninterrupted 2-on-2 conversation we have ever had with Ashley and Neil; What a treat!!
Two deliveries from Instacart yesterday. We are totally out of $1s and $5s for tips to delivery persons, whose efforts we really want to acknowledge. Can’t remember when we last used cash for anything.
California governor, Gavin Newsome, having regular noontime briefings. I appreciate that yesterday one of the issues he focused on was what is being done for some of the most needy segments of our society, including foster children and the homeless.
That’s It For Now
Stay safe, wash your hands, call your mother, keep your distance, and be kind to one another.
Signage outside our CVS at 3rd and Fairfax:
Face masks drying out in the shower after being washed:
A neighborhood child’s tribute to those who are serving us during the pandemic:
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