Monday, May 24, 2021

Mobil Oil and Cigarettes

(Note and cigarette lighter I received today from ex-wife, Leslie Daniel.)

 Thanks so much for the Mobil lighter and your note.  I take it that you have stopped smoking (just kidding).

Several memories:
  • Two of my first real jobs: working in a Mobil gas station, and working in a Mobil refinery, both of which my dad arranged for me.
  • Photos of my dad, many with a lighted Chesterfield in hand.
  • I remember that you and I quit smoking at one point; I am guessing mid-70’s.  Then we took a trip back East, and the stewardess came down the aisle handing out small 4-packs of cigarettes (Marlboros?).  And we started smoking again!!
  • Memories of the few AA meetings I attended with you; lots of coffee and cigarettes.
  • Fortunately, I was never a heavy smoker, and was not apparently addicted.  When Nadine and I decided to quit around 1982, we were able to do so without much effort.  Thank God for that.
  • When my mother died, the bulk of her assets were Mobil stock, which had done very well in the approximately 30 years from when he died to when she died.
Thanks again.
Glad to hear you are doing well.  Growing old is not for sissies.



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