Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Reaction to First Debate

We felt that Obama did well, held up well on all the questions and the exchanges with McCain.

However, we also felt that Obama must be more aggressive in repeating what we consider to be some of McCain's big mistakes (poor judgements): early and continuing support for an evil war in Iraq; excessive deregulation, a major contributor to the current financial situations; continuing support for tax cuts for the rich.

Did you watch? McCain did not look at Obama more than one or two times, despite repeated requests from the moderator for the two to address each other.

One of our friends thinks it is a conscious strategy by McCain's advisors to belittle Obama in the viewers' eyes.

But here is my pop-psychology diagnosis: McCain is angry that this black guy...who is taller, younger, better looking, smarter, more articulate, never served in the US armed forces, and has a lot less seniority in the running rings around him. Thus, the scornful attitude.

Only about 5 more weeks to go, but it is an interesting race, and an interesting time.

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