Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Coming of Age in Aurora

 Months ago, I had a conversation with my friend David, who grew up in Aurora, Ohio. David is now openly gay, and I felt comfortable to ask him at what point in his life he realized that he was not straight.  Here's David's story.

David grew up in Aurora.  His best friend's father was a local Lutheran minister.  This man also had a driving problem.  Despite being a "man of God", the local police had ticketed him several times for speeding, to the point where his nickname among David and his friends was the "Faster Pastor".

The Faster Pastor also had a secret stash of porno magazines, which his son, David's friend, knew about.  One day, David's friend invited him into his family home (presumably no one else was at home), to view his dad's porno collection.  It was then that David realized that he was not particularly stimulated by looking at erotic pictures of nude women.

Weeks later, David joking told me it was "OK" for them to be looking a the porno mags because the women were all Lutherans.  I responded that I had never dated any Lutheran women, but the word on the grapevine was that they were hot.  At least, that's what Prairie Home Companion implied.