It DOES have to do with the current furor and commentary about racism in the United States.
First, I/we have come across two items that shed some illumination on the subject for me.
One is the book “White Fragility; Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” by Robin DiAngelo. It’s #2 this week on the NYTimes Best Sellers NonFiction list, which notes “Historical and cultural analysis on what causes defensive moves by white people and how this inhibits cross-cultural dialogue”. The author is white, and she gives myriad examples of how white Americans are often unconscious of the culture of racism that surrounds us. The book is also available in audio format, 6 hours long. I recommend it.
The other is a podcast by Sam Harris, "Making Sense with Sam Harris #207 - Can We Pull Back From The Brink? (June 12, 2020)". Our son Dan is the one who put us onto this podcast, which is almost two hours long, but worth it.
Nadine and I had the pleasure of seeing Sam Harris debate David Wolpe many years ago re god and religion. Both very knowledgeable thinkers, it was like watching a great tennis match. In the podcast, Harris delves into many facets of the situation with facts and opinions that may startle you (meant to, he says).
I don’t agree with all of the statements and conclusions of these two persons (DiAngelo, Harris), but I found them both interesting, and certainly worthwhile grist for thought about racism in our country and what we can do about it.
Lastly, I have been thinking about what I could do to contribute in a positive way to this situation. I found a website called “Black Votes Matter”
The purpose of this fund is to encourage more black citizens to vote. And you can even pick the state where you want your donation to be put to work. I debated Georgia vs Florida, but finally picked Florida, because of what happened there in the 2000 election (abetted by SCOTUS)
and this seemed to fit the bill for me. Support black Americans now, encourage more voters in general, and maybe swing Florida, which has been on the brink for decades, blue.
I have very mixed feelings about America's current situation, and our future:
On the pessimistic side, I believe that cultural patterns are very slow to change, and racism against many groups, but especially native Americans and black Americans has an old and deep 400+ year history here.
On the positive side, when I see some many Americans demonstrating in an on-going way, and so many young people (even teens) and including so many that are white, I feel hopeful.
Coleman "