Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentines Day

It was 1999.  I was working in IT at Rocketdyne in Canoga Park, in Bldg 105, which had been recently renovated on the inside.  We were each in cubicles with partitions about 5-1/2 feet high.  You could easily speak to the person next door over the partition (and also hear most of their phone conversations if you really wanted to.)  To one side of me was Mark; to the other side Cinde.  Each was married and 40-something.

Mid-morning, I heard Mark groan.  I asked what was wrong.  He said he just remembered it was Valentines Day, and he had not gotten his wife a gift.  And he did not have any good ideas.  

I said he better run out and get something.  Mark asked me if I had any suggestions.

Cinde's voice rang out loud and clear: "Jewelry is always good"!